LAWS 650 - Estate Planning|Credits: 2 Commercial (practice) software will be used to prepare estate planning documents. The drafting assignments will include simple wills, wills for couples with minor children, wills and trusts that include provisions for the estate marital deduction and GST taxes, health and financial powers of attorney, as well as drafting for the South Carolina elective share. Other issues covered will include consideration of client competence, preparing for will contests, and ethical issues for estate planners. If time permits, the class will draft irrevocable life insurance trusts. Students will work on projects in teams of 2-3. Prerequisites: Wills, Trusts, and Estates Note: Income Tax is recommended. This course satisfies the professional skills course graduation requirement. For first year students entering Fall 2016, this course satisfies the experiential course graduation requirement. Basis of Grade: Exam, drafting projects, class participation and attendance Form of Grade: Letter |
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