LAWS 716 - Nonprofit Organizations ClinicCredits: 6 This Clinic provides legal assistance to nonprofit organizations of all types addressing the various needs of the community. Because many of these organizations lack the financial resources to retain private legal counsel, students provide legal assistance in transactional matters that include incorporation, preparation of by-laws, preparation and filing of 501(c)(3) applications, contract review and negotiation, real estate, intellectual property and land use issues. Students may attend board meetings, provide legal assistance to start up organizations or organizations that are merging, converting or spinning off new ventures. The nature of the clinic allows for experience touching many different legal disciplines and helps provide for the stabilization of these organizations so that they can better serve the community. Prerequisites: Have taken Problems in Professional Responsibility or Professional Responsibility. Note: GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: Experiential Course Requirement, must earn a grade of C or better EFFECTIVE as of FALL 2020: A student who is enrolled in or has been enrolled in a clinical course may not enroll in Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiation. Basis of Grade: Performance on casework, class exercises and participation Form of Grade: Letter Grade |
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